xb2003 Question


Well-Known Member
Oct 17, 2008
Well it seems I probably didn't need to raise the motor, I actually ran lower this weekend, and got better speeds by a couple mph, I guess it was easier to drive higher but I was getting a lot of slip, but it allowed me to learn to control it so I ran faster lower yesterday. Required correction and more imput but speeds climbed faster and I got a better top speed

Seems like it took about a mile or more for me to get up to 74, 26 Hydromotive, gets to 6o pretty quick then it just climbs slowly. I believe I am somewhere between 1/4 below to even, this was loaded with 3 in the boats, trolling motor and 3 batteries,

Merc 200 2.5 liter EFI, I know it was a pretty heavy load, seems to accelerate best with a slight over trim then when I get to the mid upper 60's acutally bump the trim down once or twice.

Around 72 the rear I could feel the rear end drift slighly left/right, is that normal?? WAS SOMTHING BAD ABOUT TO HAPPEN??

I think I might try to lower 1/8" I think it is close to where it needs to be what do you all think

Ally03 200xs

Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
Assuming the same load and lowering it made your boat faster, I would lower it 1/8 at time till you lose speed. Once you lose speed, you know that you are within a 1/8 inch of the sweet spot for best top speed.

Raise it up less than 1/8 and run WOT again. If you gain speed raise it a little more and if you lose speed lower it a little. Of course this is all within a 1/8" inch range. You could substitute all the 1/8 = 1/4. The process is the same...

Hope this helps...