Winter Grandsport projects


Well-Known Member
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Supporting Member
Mar 15, 2005
Watts Bar, TN
1995 Grandsport, currently at Morrison Marine for gelcoat repairs. When I get her back, here's the list of what I hope to accomplish before May / June 2007:

1. Lift motor and install factory-advised transom reinforcement kit. I'll take pictures of what it takes to do this job and any special issues encountered, and post them, as soon as I get the boat back and my arm gets better.

2. Remove "experimental" wet reed injection plate. Have injectors flowed and tested. Install them in original factory location.

3. Install PCU and dial it in with the software interface and laptop.

4. Bleed hyd steering once and for all to get the slop out of it.

5. Install quick-release amplified subwoofer and additional amp for high/mid drivers.

6. Get 20 or more hours of seat time and reliability testing before pulling the rig to Tennessee in June for the rally.