Hey Houma La. guyz,,,I need yer HELP please.

RB in NM

Active Member
Mar 21, 2005
New Mexico
If any one from houma, La. should know of anyone finding a male Black Lab as of yesterday , I sure would appreciate a call.....

My sister, Susan Key, lives near Coutou Rd and Blue Bayou rd, on Hammner Rd. I gave her a Pup off my Male a couple of years ago, he's almost 5 years old now. Suz gave the pup to her late Husband, Dr. Kerian Key, cause his Golden Retriever had passed away. Kerian died very unexpectedly at home 3 years ago. Heart failure.
The Pup has been a huge part of my sister's life since she lost Kerian.

Susan just went through a heart procedure on Wednesday afternoon. She was at home recouping, with my 77 year old Mother there to help. The pup needed to go out to pee about 5pm last night. My mom and Suasan fogot about him for 2 hours. And he was gone.

Needless to say the whole family is completely devestated. The dog did not have his collor on, but is micro chipped. They have checked the pound, called all the Vets in the area, animal shelters, placed ad's in the local paper, gone all around the neighborhoods, posting flyers, driving countless miles..etc.,

My fear is that with Duck season either going on or close, someone may had picked the dog up. Being he does not have his collar on, naturally I fear the worst.
I feel totally completely helpless with me being out here in N.M., and this all going on back home. I raised and trained the little guy before delivering him to my Sister back home.

So, if any one back near Houma, Raceland, Thibideaux areas hears of someone finding a Black male Lab, no collar,80 pounds, well mannored with a bark that sounds more like a coon hound versus a Lab....Please let me know.
He's a very cherished member of our family, and is greatly needed back home.
There is a reward for his return.

My sister's conditon is not doing very good with all of the worry and stress.
I may be flying home this weekend.

Thanks Very Much guys!


Sorry to hear about your situation Russ. I hope the dog finds his way home and your sister gets well.

RB in NM

Active Member
Mar 21, 2005
New Mexico
Well the pup is found....just got the call. He was located 3-4 miles from home. One of the flyers my sis had put out worked it seems...

I had posted this in hopes, (in case he was not found),, someone local down there may have kept an eye open for the dog.

All is well again! I'm going for a cold Corona!!!!

Thanks Bob,


RB in NM

Active Member
Mar 21, 2005
New Mexico
Thanks guys,,,Ally oop,,, I had it posted on Byuboyz,,,A lot of them guys are from close to my old stomping grounds back there... But soon as I posted it there, she found the dog.

Tha lil' pup has a rude awakening coming,,, he already has a trip to Vet planned from him to git hiz nuts cut off,,,,try and keep that nose outta the wind a little bit.... :roll:

He's my little bud,, every trip back home he is like my shadow. And people say dogs don;t have memories,,,BS !

Thanks, Russ