Da Crossbow draws first blood...


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Jackson, TN
I don't know what happened? Barely after daylight Saturday morning I was sittin in a treestand, mindin my own business and watchin mother nature come alive for the day. Suddenly a group of deer wandered within 30 yds and the next thing I know, my crossbow flew up, sighted itself, the safety clicked off and as quickly as I could think about it the thing went off and the bolt was buried in the ground on the other side of an old cautious doe. But for some reason it wasn't clean, it was dark red and the doe lay very nearby and was taking a dirt nap! :twisted:

These things are WICKED I tellz ya!!!


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
dang, they let you hunt with crossbow's down there? you cant use them in WI, unless you are too weak or injured to pull back a 30# bow (have to have a doctor's excuse)


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Jackson, TN
LOL Jimmy, yep TN just legalized crossbows for everyone during archery season this year. At first I wasn't going to get one, I have been bowhunting for over 20 years, have 2 P&Y whitetails and my Hoyt shoots as fast as this crossbow. BUT after rigging, selling and shooting these crossbows all summer (we have sold over 250 so far) I began to get interested in them. I actually didn't buy it until after bowseason had already opened here, now I wish I woulda bought one earlier this year. They are a blast to shoot and of course they flat out HUMMM a broadhead with ease. My kids have even shot it in the backyard and loved it.

I bought a lil ol TenPoint TL-4 (165#s) with a 3dot red dot scope, rigged it with some carbon bolts from Horton and still use the Rocket 100 fixed heads I bowhunted with. I can drill the 4" targets on my Block at 50yds with it, but probably will keep most shots under 40yds (about 10 yds farther than I would shoot my Hoyt). Down here in TN we just aren't killing enough deer, they are multiplying faster than we can shoot em (well I'm doing more than my part at 20+ per year, but someone else must be slackin!) and this of course has gotten more people into the woods during bowseason. I understand several other states (AL and VA that I have heard for sure) are either about to legalize them or are seriously considering them for next year. It is amazing how many new people it has opened the woods up too who otherwise would be waiting until muzzleloader or rifle season to begin deer hunting.

Gonna be PLENTY of steaks at the rally next year!!! :wink:


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
that is cool! maybe WI should take a lesson from the southern states. We are having the same over population problems as well as CWD.

our DNR wants us to shoot deer, but wants the hunters to pay for it as well (extra tags cost $20). Sorry I aint gonna go out and shoot 20 deer for $20 each! our DNR is really screwed up... plus we have pretty restrictive seasons (except for bowhunting). I am sure if they opened up bowhunting to use crossbows, we would get the same jump in participation that you guys are getting


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Jackson, TN
$20 a doe? Man if your DNR is ruled by commisioners it sounds like it's time to send ALL of them home and replace them with new blood. That's ludicrous, they are out to make money not manage the herd. Here in TN we used to have quota hunts (you had to apply earlier in the summer) for does and a few days each season were open too antler-less for everyone. But that wasn't even working in many counties. So a new unit was created and called "Unit L" (the L being for liberal bag limits) and beginning on the first day of rifle season you could shoot 2 does per day and in some counties you could shoot 3 does per day, each day of the season. Our gun season runs from the weekend before Thanksgiving too pretty much the second weekend of January! But even that wasn't enough so this year the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency (our DNR) basically doubled the amount of counties in the Unit L and moved the 3 per date back too the opening of bowseason, which is always the last Saturday of September. So if you actually wanted to you could shoot 3 does per day, everyday from the last of September until the middle of January.

The simple fact is there are now to many deer, most southern states waited 20 years to late to begin heavy doe harvests and now we are having to play "catch up". What is really causing all this "panic" and desire to harvest ALOT of does is the insurance industry is raising cane now about all the deer/auto collisions. 15 years ago it was a rare occurance, now our numbers are beginning to approach numbers seen in heavily populated northern states. So the industry is now paying game departments to come up with ways to curtail the population and hunting is the only economically feasible way of doing that.

I doubt we'll ever really catch back up. When I began hunting 20 years ago it wasn't common but not unheard of to see a doe with twin fawns in the summer. NEVER did you see one with triplets. In the last 10 years tho practically EVERY doe has twins each summer and many have triplets. One of our places in TN is 2500 acres and is surrounded by appx another 7500 acres of either no hunting at all or limited hunting on a state owned project. So there are just TONS of deer in our area. For 10 years we have been taking 100 does per season off our place. Even that hasn't seemed to help. Just when you think you have it licked and quit taking old, mature does (4.5+ year olds) suddenly another group will move in. This year we are probably going to remove about 150 does our place (with only 5 primary hunters and a few occasional guests). Sounds fun (and for the most part it is) but that's ALOT of work and time spent shooting animals that aren't trophy bucks.

LOL in most places the bucks quit coming out in daylight after a day or two of gun season, on our place it's the opposite. By the middle of December the bucks are still running around like it's summertime because we rarely shoot any of them but culls and those over 150inches but the old bottle nosed, sway back, mature does become MUCH more weary and secretive. They will bust you quicker than just about ANY buck around. I consider it a treat to "remove" these cautious old nags. They have grown up on the place and know where just about every stand is and can pick you out from 300yds away without much problem. And I am looking forward too this year moreso than ever because I get to put down my rifle some and replace it with a video camera while my oldest son (will be 10 in a couple of weeks) will man the trigger for awhile!!!

I guess it's a "good problem" to have tho, folks we carry hunting down there still refer too it as "the zoo"! :D


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
yeah our dnr is screwed up... we dont vote anyone in (at least that I know of) they are all appointed by the governor

sounds like you have a nice hunting paradise there!


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
Winter Haven Florida

Crossbow, huh RA ?
What head would you use for these guys with the MASER BASS systems in their vehicles. I am not interested in catch and release either.
Nice and quiet are they ? Hmmmmm.
Do you have a Web Site for me ?
thx cofmc

Found this: http://www.keystone-sports.com/catalog/item/2105800/1667745.htm

I could practice in the yard. What are the killing zones, out to 50yds ?
300fps doesn't sound very fast, I guess you want to keep them sub-sonic ?


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Jackson, TN
LOL Gdaddy I aint sure about shootin through glass or doorskins. If it wasn't armored, then yeah they would easily "skewer one". The broadhead I use is the Rocket 100 (fixed head) it is a small 100grn, 7/8" cutting diameter head that I used in my Hoyt compound for a few years and continue using them in my Ten Point (yep that link you posted is the exact crossbow I got!). It will shoot through a cinder block and many hunters have shot cape buffalo, rhino and elephants with them as well. I know the few deer that I have skewered through the spinal column (the toughest bone group on a deer) didn't damage the Rockets. Other broadheads I shot into spines over the years looked like they were shot through a trashcan full of rat tail files!

300fps doesn't sound like much in ballistics terms, but for something with a handful of razors on the tip, they are DEADLY. I know a broadhead will slice through a bulletproof vest like warm butter. You can also take a 5gallon bucket of sand and it will stop ANY rifle or handgun you want to try to shoot through it. The broadhead will once again just sail on through.

Deathsticks I tell ya, :twisted:


Active Member
Mar 15, 2005
Winter Haven Florida
Oh my, that is such good news, however, I'll have to try that bucket of sand bit, I can't see a bolt going thru, but what does a bolt weigh ?
That's a lot of energy going 300fps.
How much are the blades with the bolt ?
Karen is shaking her head.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Jackson, TN
Gdaddy a carbon bolt with a broadhead should weigh around 500 grains. The reason they penetrate better than a bullet is they don't mushroom and rather than push and shock their way through, they are cutting a nice tight hole. The bolt might not sail through and bury in the ground behind it but it will at least drive the broadhead through the bucket, exposing it out the backside. A rifle bullet wont make it that far.

But if you REALLY want some farts n giggles, take that Wingmaster of yours, fill it with buckshot and then shoot a watermelon at 10 paces with it!!! :twisted:


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Jackson, TN
Gdaddy look over on Gunbroker.com

I just checked and they have an entire list of mag extensions for 1100/870s. One particular one I saw was a 9shot extension for a 24"+ barrel. Item #38470837.
