Calipari Gone to UK!


Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2005
Jackson, TN
Wudn't the money, we matched it and actually exceeded it with a FedEx stock option retirement pkg. when he was ready to hang his shoes up. In the end he just couldn't turn down the allure of manning a ship like Kentucky. There are only about 2-3 programs in country that could've turned his eye and UK was one of them. Can't blame him, he will FINALLY be able to shut up the naysayers and the spotlights are on him front and center now!!! I'm proud of him and still consider him a good friend. Hell I might even hafta make a game in Lexington next season for the first time in my life! :shock: :big grin

The real pisser is the "DREAM TEAM" that was coming nextyear. They WERE going to clean house and kickass by ALL counts. Now that's up in smoke. Hate it, sure woulda been fun to watch em mop up ALL comers!

Mike Anderson sure screwed up, Mizzou sensed blood in the water and hurried up and inked a deal with him this afternoon for $1.6M a year. That's CHICKENFEED and we woulda paid him TWICE that, easy. :confused

I reckon it'll soon be MILLER TIME in Memphis, :at the bar