Search results

  1. S

    XB 21 Prosport

    Thanks Looks great.
  2. S

    XB 21 Prosport

    Has anyone developed a rod organizer for the under the deck storage compartment. Really looking at this boat, but would really like to have an organizer there. Thanks
  3. S

    3.0 Liter Engine

    Thanks for the clarification. Still wish a 225 was in teh recommended range of the company.
  4. S

    3.0 Liter Engine

    If allison is against a 3.0 or larger engine on their boats why to they have bots on their website one with an etec and the other a 250XS. I love the boats, but the horsepower (recommendation) and weight limit concern me. Looking to fish more tournaments and I do not want to worry about this...
  5. S

    XB 21 Bassport Pro

    Anyone got one of these yet. Interested in what your impression is in real experiences. Performance and fishing functionality. Thanks
  6. S

    The new 21'er 2seat Tourney boat...

    PICS we need the PICS
  7. S

    New Bass Boat

    How much are we talking about here. I have seen some XB 21 in the Low $50's. Would hope this boat would be in the same league or a little cheaper. Less seats. Thanks Stephen
  8. S

    New Bass Boat

    When will the new Two seater be on the web with more information? I have seen the pictures and would like to know more about it. This is my ideal bassboat. When I save the money I am getting one. Thanks