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  1. B

    Motor Toter / Stabilzer question

    Will look to get one of these.....thanks
  2. B

    New Allison Owner

    Beautiful boat.
  3. B

    Got ripped off from fastallison21a member of this sight so watch out people

    Thanks for the heads up. i hate to hear anyone getting taken like this. Let cooler heads prevail so you don't get yourself in a bind, however. What goes around eventually comes around in the end.
  4. B

    New to me, XB 21 2+2 Maiden Voyage

    Beautiful boat! I made the mistake of telling my wife stories about boat abruptly turning 90 degrees at top end speed. Needless to say, she doesn't allow me to go over 55 with her in it.
  5. B

    Buying advice: XTB 21 as a first boat?

    Allison, definitely.