Recent content by atcje

  1. atcje

    My new Bassport feels really different

    Tim get that sand paper back out and let's figure this out, on your boat.
  2. atcje

    Hole Shot Help XB 21 2+2

    Your jackplate is way too low. Set it about where you normally run with it and it will jump out of the hole, especially with a 24 pitch prop. First time I ran my boat I experienced the same thing except I was running a 28 pitch prop. I had the jackplate all the way down because my previous...
  3. atcje

    New to me 2+2

    See if there's enough members spaced out to do a delivery relay.
  4. atcje

    New to me 2+2

    Are you having it shipped to you or are you coming to get it? Congrats, you will love the boat.
  5. atcje

    Bat Turn........Ranger style

    Most all of the big box bass boats the seats are just a few inches below the deck. Next to impossible to stay in one when it decides to come around.
  6. atcje


    The side by side machines are nice and more versatile, if I bought new today I'd probably go with a side by side. Of course I've calmed some with age and don't stay in the mud as much. The traditional quads are still better in the mud. Neal if you are wanting one to duck hunt I assume you are...
  7. atcje


    If you are wanting the most power on the market it's a continuous race between Polaris and Can-am right now, both around the 100 HP mark. Both are great machines but you better be ready to give up some money, actually a lot of money. One of the best all around machines on the market right now...
  8. atcje


    True but if you have the chance you gotta try something other than what got you to that point in time. I drop the plate to induce some drag, and plant the prop and skeg. So many never get a warning, if you are fortunate enough to get a warning you gotta try something.
  9. atcje


    That's 2 situations where the boat gave some indication, a lean to either side. Mine leaned left, Rocko's to the right, the difference being the balance. I would say if you feel a lean back out quick. For what it's worth any boat can do this, my brother hooked a charger 596 doing 72 but he had...
  10. atcje


    I have zero experience in the smaller Allison hulls but I've had my 21 2+2 for almost 5 years now and have hooked it once. Maybe this info will be beneficial for all the new 21 foot owners. I had been testing several props that day and actually loaded the boat and was done. Guy brought me a...
  11. atcje

    Coming down...

    While I'm still under full power I drop the hydraulic jack plate to put more prop and skeg in the water, also creates drag to naturally slow the boat some. If all feels good I ease up on the throttle and start down slowly with the trim.
  12. atcje

    Questions about a radio install XB21 BSP

    Put my speakers behind the back seats. Plenty of room and sounds good. I used a flush dash mount style radio, amp is in the box in front of the drivers console.
  13. atcje

    How's this for 7 year old glass?...

    Rob when and where you want to meet me so you can do mine next?
  14. atcje

    BasSportPro best speed?

    Well I couldn't let Craig close to it with a prop wrench after it ran like that.